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Diabetes epidemic in America has reached the peak.

The huge burden of a diabetes has captured the United States - nowadays almost 13 percent of the population from the age of 20 years and more are sick of a diabetes, epidemiologists of National Health institute informs. The diabetes among senior Americans is especially extended.

The reasons of diabetes occurrence

One is fixed only: one can't catch diabetes as catch a flu or a tuberculosis. Definitely there is a number of factors which contribute to diabetes occurrence. On the first place it is necessary to specify hereditary predisposition. The second reason - adiposity. This factor, fortunately, can be neutralized, if the person, understanding all measure of danger, will struggle strenuously with extra weight and will win this struggle. The third reason are some illnesses in which results in defeat of beta cages. These are illnesses like pancreas - a pancreatitis, a cancer of a pancreas, disease of other glands of internal secretion. The fourth reason are various virus infections (a German measles, a chicken pox, an epidemic hepatitis and some other diseases, including a flu).On the fifth place it is necessary to name nervous stress as the contributing factor. Especially it is necessary to avoid a nervous and emotional overstrain to persons with the aggravated heredity and having excess weight. The sixth reason - age. The older the person is, the more reasons to beware diabetes. If diabetes to treat correctly (a diet, medicines, insulin), sick of a diabetes can lead high-grade life. But if it not to compensate, there can be serious complications, early or late. The early concern: ketoacidosis - a poisoning with products of disintegration of fats, diabetic hyperglycemic coma (sudden loss of consciousness) or a hypoglycemia (consciousness infringements in connection with low level of sugar in blood). These complications are provoked by diet non-observance, deviations in treatment or a medical mode, and also infectious diseases. Late complications arise owing to long insufficient control of sugar in blood. Defeat of eyes, kidneys, small vessels and nerves of the bottom extremities concern them (so-called "foot of the diabetic"), in the latter case - with danger of occurrence of ulcers standing, up to necessity of amputation. The digestive path, heart and sexual functions can be mentioned also.

Erectile dysfunction. Want learn more?

Erectile dysfunction suffer more than 50 % of senior men.
Erectile dysfunction suffer more than 150 million men all over the world, including approximately 20 million Europeans and 30 million Americans.
Each 10 man after 21 suffers erection infringements.
The full erectile dysfunction is observed at 5 % of men at the age of 40 years and at 15 % at the age of 70 years.
35 % of men with erectile dysfunction have heavy degree of infringement of an erection.
The man shouldn't be reconciled with infringement or absence of an erection.
What are the reasons of erectile dysfunction?
It can have 2 types of reasons:the psychological and organic. The organic includes:
1)decrease in activity of sexual glands and level of a hormone of testosterone. In that case ED is accompanied by voice change, adiposity, reduction of growth of hair on the person.
2) Substances and medical products which cause ED. It not only alcohol and drugs, but also medical products which are the medicines lowering pressure, hormonal medicines etc.
3) Neurologic diseases, such as Parkinson illness, a multiple sclerosis, an epilepsy, traumas head and a spinal cord.
4) the Vascular reasons of an impotence are considered as the most widespread. They have communication with infringement of a current of blood on vessels and arteries and bad blocking of veins which doesn't allow an erection to be long. The patients suffering from hypertensive illness and a diabetes, often have ED . In most cases the patient suffers at once both from an ED and from a prostatitis.
A principal cause of development of disease - stresses and depressions. Psychological ED people face more often. It has direct communication with constant stressful situations, depressions which the person faces before sex (incompatibility of interests, pregnancy of the partner, infection and so on).
How can a person struggle ED?
The first rule is to make some simple lifestyle changes, adopting a healthier lifestyle, such as quitting smoking, exercising regularly, and reducing stress, may be all that is needed. And the second is to advert medical help.

The secret of insomnia.

Insomnia is more often a consequence or any mental infringement, or heavy overfatigue. Two types of the nature are distinguished which involve treatment.
If the impossibility to fall asleep is caused by the mental reason (for example, depression or the raised uneasiness) treatment of these mental frustration, most likely, will eliminate a sleeplessness.
The second not less serious reason on which it is necessary to begin sleeplessness treatment is the chronic intellectual overfatigue which symptom is constant desire to sleep during active day time, heavy awakening, weakness and fatigue from insignificant loadings.
Even to fall asleep a person needs forces are for switching-off the brain which for the assigned period of time couldn't cope with information loading. The person hasn't time to switch for rest and quantity of the vital dream is reduced. Anyhow, there will be a situation when it is necessary to begin treatment of a chronic insomnia as efficiency and productivity of any activity decreases.
Any vital important for a person problem can become a reason of insomnia - financial problems, a grief, unhappy love, sexual and even pedagogical problems. That forces the brain to solve round the clock one of the important problems, eventually, will result in strong overfatigue.
For sleeplessness treatment it is necessary to establish its reason. And then it will be already clear, whether you will pull through it or the help of medicine is required.

Depression? There is a way out.

How to understand depression? The main sign of depression is the lowered mood,or its total absence. You see the world in grey colors , and the feeling of senselessness of an event makes up for melancholy. The person's sleep is interrupted, appetite decreases (frequently up to full food disgust), internal pressure can be intolerable, and full apathy can begin.
The person, suffering depression,unsuccessfully tries to engage with something, hoping somehow to get rid of burdensome thoughts, or lies down in bed and wants to do nothing. He may become embittered and irritable, may cry all day long, and can not cry at all.
Depression, like any phenomenon, of course, has a reason: sometimes obvious ( loss of the loved one, unexpected parting, work loss, etc.), sometimes hidden (when a person thinks: "all is good", and in fact something is bad).
Anyway depression begins with the alarm often imperceptible.
How to cure depression?
Without treatment depression can last 6 months or longer.
Today a basis of treatment of depression are medicines. Also the psychotherapy and an electroshock therapy are applied. The combination of these kinds of therapy is sometimes used.

What are Allergies?

Allergy - a heightened sensitivity to different substances, manifested unusual reactions when in contact with them. The immune system as a result of imbalance in their functions, begins to respond to the most common substances as dangerous, triggering appropriate protective processes. Hence - the symptoms of allergies such as rhinitis (runny nose), lacrimation, rash ...
Allergens - substances that cause allergies - we can get a variety of ways. The most common inhalant allergen, contained in the air as gases or fine dust, allergenic foods that cause food allergies, skin and provoke allergic reactions in direct contact with the skin surface, drug allergy can develop in different ways when taking medication.
Allergies is very unpleasant condition. Bad cold, swelling, itchy red eyes ... When allergies increases fatigue, irritability, increased, decreased immunity. But the unpleasant consequences of allergies do not stop there. Allergies can trigger diseases such as eczema, hemolytic anemia, serum sickness, bronchial asthma.
The main thing for both prevention and treatment of allergies is to identify its cause, the allergen, which causes all the unpleasant consequences.To identify type of allergies you should appeal to the doctor, who will appoint proper cure for you. Now a huge amount of drugs to treat allergies is created.

Why 66% of men and 38% of women worldwide suffer from significant hair loss.Why do we lose our hair?

Hair - it's a fair mirror, "issuing" a lot of information about each of us: the degree of well-being, mental and physical health, lifestyle, habits, attitudes towards self and others. Alas, too many things in life affect the condition and appearance of hair, so our hair requires daily attention and care. Hair is a very sensitive "barometer" of the malfunctions : medical and genetic problems, medication, stress, aggressive environment, causing them serious harm. As a result, thinning hair, drop out a lot more than grow, there are bald patches and hair loss occurs (alopecia).
It is established about 50 causes of hair loss. These include genetic (hereditary) and non-genetic factors: hormonal, imbalance, diabetes, thyroid disorders, bacterial infections, anemia, stress, pregnancy and childbirth, menopause, poor nutrition, excessively high or low temperatures, chemical damage, bad drugs hair, low-quality hairdressing tools, certain types of hairstyles.
Nowadays there is a number of medicaments for hairloss treatment which will help you to avoid and prevent this problem.


Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract, manifested by attacks of breathlessness, often accompanied by coughing and may develop into asphyxia. This happens because respiratory tract has hypernormal reaction on different irritator . In response to a excitation, they become narrower and produce a lot of mucus, interrupting the normal flow of air during breathing. Asthma is phenomenon of all ages, but most often occurs in children - half of them then "outgrow" their disease. Now, more than 300 million people worldwide have the disease and their number is constantly increasing.
Depending on the asphyxia emergence cause asthma is subdivided into allergic and non-allergic . The factor that asthma is allergic , is that there is recrudescence when in contact with certain allergens (pollen, hair, house dust, certain foods), are seasonal. Attack of allergic asthma is often accompanied by a runny nose, symptoms of vegetative dystonia, urticaria.When non-allergic asthma there is a chronic inflammation of the airways overly sensitive. Any irritation causes the bronchus spasm, and air flow is limited, which leads to bouts of coughing and choking.There is a vast number of causes an asthmatic attack . For example, the sharp odor - tobacco smoke, household chemicals, soaps, perfumes, exhaust fumes and other. Researchers around the world came to a disappointing conclusion: one of five asthmatic disease owes his profession.Asthma symptoms can also occur within minutes of physical activity - it may be, for example, physical exercise associated with the inhalation of cold, dry air - such as running outdoors in winter. In such cases we speak about asthma of physical effort.Attack that occurs when taking aspirin or other anti-inflammatory drugs shows the so-called aspirin-asthma.The cause of asthma induced by food additives, may be, for example, reception of sulfites (preservatives for beer, wine).
Treatment depends on the period of illness. During the attack it must be quickly cut short by bronhospasmolytic medicines.

Win a fungal infection!

In medical practice, fungal nail is called onychomycosis, where "onychite" means nail, and "mycosis" - fungal infection. The disease is not as rare as it might seem. Onychomycosis is spread all over the world and coveres up to 40% among all nail diseases. The main causative agents are dermatophytes fungi (fungal parasites of the skin, hair and nails). Both men and women are victims of onychomycosis with equal success. Risk of disease increases with age. Fortunately, children suffer from onychomycosis much less frequent. Yet to exclude child from the risk group dermatologists can't. Important role is playing the state of the organism as a whole. Your risk increases in case of the broken leg vascular tone, such as heart failure or varicose veins. The same can be said of the violations in the endocrine system. Diabetes is a weighty reason to keep an eye over the condition of the nails, because in such cases, the defeat of the fungus can be especially difficult.
Settled on the skin fungus parasite, is able to poison everyone life. Female victims of a fungus are primarily worried about the outer side issues - cracked, scaly skin, yellow, crumbling nails - but, according to the doctors openion, the aesthetic problem is not the main. This is a serious disease that requires long-term treatment.
Lingering onychomycosis can cause an allergic reaction, weaken the immune system and lead to recrudescence of chronic desease.To avoid trouble, we have to be careful. Troubles take place visiting swimming pool, sauna, gym and even the beach. Fungal spores can withstand desiccation, heat to 100 and freezing to -60 degrees C. They are able to survive "attack" of disinfectants, which are normally used in public places. But more often (up to 65%), infection occurs in the family.
Adherence of simple rules will protect you from disease:
on the beach walk only in sneakers;
Taking a bath, sauna or swimming pool use closed rubber slippers to protect against splashes;
Wipe dry after washing the feet, especially the interdigital folds, and treat them in the prophylactic antifungal cream or a special powder;
Do not wear someone else's shoes;
Change your socks daily and stockings.
Noticing the signs of fungus, do not expect that everything will disappear by itself. Currently there are highly effective medicines of general and local action for fungal infection treatment.

Arterial pressure.

Arterial pressure is a pressure of blood in large arteries of the person. Arterial pressure is one of the major indicators of functioning of the organism, therefore for each person is necessary to know its measure.
Increase of pressure upon each 10 mm hg increases on 30% risk of development of cardiovascular diseases. People with raised pressure suffer 7 times more from infringements of brain blood circulation (strokes), 4 times more often - an ischemic heart trouble, in 2 times more often - defeat of vessels of feet. It is necessary to begin from measurement of arterial pressure searching the reason of such frequent displays of discomfort, as a headache, weakness, dizziness. In many cases pressure constant control is necessary, and measurements should take place several times a day. Even absolutely healthy person's arterial pressure isn't constantly normal. Pressure can raise, when the person runs, carries out any physical activity, emotionally reacts on various reality situations etc. But as soon as action of this or that factor which has served as the reason of increase of pressure stops, it returns into normal state within 5-10 minutes. If pressure decreases slowly or doesn't decrease in general, it can be a sign of development of hypertensive illness. The lowered arterial pressure, or hypotonia is a consequence of the lowered tone of vascular system. Because of weakness of vessels blood circulation is slowed down,and all bodies and systems, including a brain paternal worsens oxygen feed go down. Raised pressure symptoms are expressed in the constant feeling of weariness , raised sweating, drowsiness, headaches and flashing of front sights before eyes, up to dizzinesses and faints. All it negatively influences intellectual and physical capacity. However, the lowered pressure can not prove so visually. In rare instances the hypotonia doesn't demand intervention of the doctor. Medicamentous treatment of the lowered pressure includes appointment of preparations on the basis of caffeine, the vegetative preparations possessing stimulating effect. With hypotonia it is useful to begin day with a cup of well welded coffee. The purpose of medicamentous treatment of an raised pressure is decrease in arterial pressure (not simple pressure decrease, and elimination of the reason of this high pressure).

Illnesses of a gastroenteric path.

During the last years the quantity of diseases of digestive organs has sharply increased. Gastroenteric diseases is a big group of the illnesses defeating the anatomic area with the same name. Among all pathology it is possible to allocate some the basic groups of diseases: infectious and noninfectious (by the occurrence nature), defeating gullet, a stomach, small intestines or a thick gut, (by localization), hereditary and acquired.
Risk factors of illness development
Improper feeding
Irrational combination of products, unbalanced on albuminous, fatty and carbohydrate structure, diet infringement (rare, the big portions), the use of fast food, hot spices, decrease in the maintenance of a rough cellulose in products,
Smoking, alcohol or drugs,
Reception of medical products,
Contact with infectious patients,
Non-observance of rules of personal hygiene and ways of preparation of foodstuff,
Residing at ecologically adverse regions,
Genetic predisposition to the illness.
The basic symptoms are: belly-aches of various character and localization, a heartburn, a nausea, vomiting, a diarrhea or a lock, an abdominal murmur,tongue accretion occurrence , raised aerogenesis, an unpleasant smell from mouth, raised salivation, disgust for any products.
Infringement of function of a gastroenteric path adversely influences a condition of all organism, being shown in the form of infringement of a metabolism, defeat of a skin and immunity decrease.
To prevent serious consequences, it is necessary to care your health. In time not cured gastritis can turn back as a result a stomach ulcer, and colitis malignant disease.


The arthritis is widespread disease in human population. Only in the United States more than 42 million persons suffer from arthritis, and every sixth owing to this illness became the invalid. It is necessary to notice that among invalidity reasons in this country the arthritis is on the first place.
Arthritis (from Greek arthron - a joint), group of articulate diseases of an infectious origin or developing as a result of infringement of a joint trophism. The arthritis can be independent disease or display of any other disease. Pains, reddening, tuber, deformation, infringement of function of joints, rise in temperature local (integuments over a joint) can be Arthritis signs. Treatment: elimination of a principal cause of the Arthritis or treatment of the disease which have caused development. Depending on character of the Arthritis appoint antibiotics, hormonal preparations, anti-inflammatory and sedatives, physiotherapeutic procedures, medical gymnastics, etc.

Win a fungal infection!
Onychomycosis is spread all over the world and coveres up to 40% among all nail diseases. The main causative agents are dermatophytes fungi (fungal parasites of the skin, hair and nails). Both men and women are victims of onychomycosis with equal success. Risk of disease increases with age. Female victims of a fungus are primarily worried about the outer side issues - cracked, scaly skin, yellow, crumbling nails - but, according to the doctors openion, the aesthetic problem is not the main. This is a serious disease that requires long-term treatment...

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